Deutsch 101-326 an der Universität Michigan

German on the Web
Learning Strategies

German Dept.
Max Kade House
German Club
L.E.O. online dict.



Deutsch 319--Winter 2001: Kursinformation
Dozent: Hartmut Rastalsky; 3420 MLB; 615-6335 (Büro)/741-8751 (zu Hause)


Anwesenheit und Beteiligung 20%
Journale 20%
Vokabelquizze 20%
Präsentation--Firma 20%
Präsentation--Thema 20%


Each week, you should choose 20-30 words and/or expressions you want to learn from that week's reading (or from anywhere else). [Note: you can still get an "A" if you just choose 20 each week, but choose more if learning vocabulary is easy for you]. Write them down on a sheet of paper and learn them. I will collect these lists each week and then each of you will get a short test consisting of some words from your personalized lists the following week. Each test covers just the vocabulary from the previous week's list.

Note that when you hand in a copy of your list, you should also keep a copy for yourself to study for the following week!

Vocabulary Resources:

1. I will hand out some vocabulary lists in class.
2. If you are going on an internship arranged by ICEP, I have copies of some vocabulary lists Dr. Seefeldt gives students, which I could photocopy for you.  Let me know if you are interested.

3. There are ever-increasing numbers of dictionaries available online.  A list of some such dictionaries relevant for our course is at

4. In the reference library adjoining the German Dept. Office (3110 MLB), there is a computer on which the following CD-ROMs have been loaded:
  • Brandstetter: Wörterbuch der industriellen Technik
  • Langenscheidt's Fachwörterbuch Technik [find this via the icon "PC Bibliothek 2.0]
  • Duden Bildwörterbuch version 2.0 (German only) [find this via the icon "PC Bibliothek 2.0]
In addition, the reference library contains, in book form, an excellent two-volume Wörterbuch der Kfz-Technik (Deutsch-Englisch,

5. Buy a good dictionary.  I recommend the newest edition you can find of the Harper Collins German unabridged Dictionary.


Each week, you should write a journal, consisting of a paragraph about what you read for class that week; more specifics are given week by week in the online syllabus. Your journal can be a reaction to what you read, a summary of what you read, something in between, or something more creative.  It will be graded on a "check"/"check plus"/"check minus" scale based mainly on content. A journal that indicates that you have spent enough time on that week's reading gets a "check," and if you have "checks" for all your journals for the semester, you get an "A" for this component of your grade. Late journals or journals that indicate that you did not do the reading carefully enough get a "check minus." "Check plusses" are awarded for journals whose content and/or German is outstanding. "Check plusses" compensate for "check minusses" and two "check plusses" compensate for a missing journal. Each week, you should spend about 1 - 1 1/2 hours on your reading and the journal together ==> don't worry if you can't finish the text in that time: just do your best to read efficiently--click here for a summary of reading strategies.  This is less than the 2 hours per credit hour we normally expect of students ==> the extra time should be "saved up" for (a) the two presentations and (b) learning vocabulary.


Each of you is responsible for two group presentations, one presenting a German company (click here for ideas and more details on what this presentation entails), one describing something technical, e.g. a production process or how something works--ideally something produced by the company that was the topic of your first presentation. Presentations should be in German, and you should focus your efforts on making what you say comprehensible to the other students in the class. In particular, this includes making a handout with a (short) list of useful vocabulary, questions for the class to answer after your presentation, and a summary of your main points.  This should be handed in by Monday morning of the week in which you are doing your presentation, in order to leave time for correcting it if necessary.


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