Übertragungstechnik: Vokabelliste

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die Nachrichtentechnik communications technology
sich aus•breiten to spread out
sich aus•dehnen; die Ausdehnung to expand, to spread; extent, expansion
die Welle, -n; die Wellenlänge, -n wave; wavelength
der Rundfunk radio (refers to "radio" as a whole, not specific radios or radio stations)
die Schwingung, -en vibration, oscillation
elektromagnetisch electromagnetic
die Wechselspannung, -en AC voltage, alternating voltage [click on the link if this term confuses you and you want a basic explanation of terms like voltage, current etc., and/or click here for a higher-level explanation in English from a Swiss site!]
das Koaxialkabel, - coaxial cable
der Leiter, - [as opposed to "die Leiter"];der Halbleiter, -; leiten (electrical) conductor [as opposed to "ladder"]; semiconductor; to conduct, to lead
isolieren; der Isolierstoff, -e to insulate; insulation material
die Verzerrung, -en; verzerren distortion; to distort
das Rauschen; das Geräusch, -e noise, rustling, swooshing [used for electromagnetic "noise"]; noise [used more for actual noises]
das Glasfaserkabel, - fiberoptic cable
die Bodenstation, - ground or earth station
der Kanal, ¨-e channel [but for e.g. "channel 7" you would say "Das siebte Programm"]
aus•nutzen to exploit, to take advantage of
der Bereich, - area, region, sector
vor allem above all, primarily
die Entfernung, -en distance (for relatively large distances)
der Abstand, ¨-e distance (for stating the spacing between objects)
die Reichweite, -n range (for distances, not e.g. meadows)
in Betrieb sein; betreiben, betrieb, hat betrieben; der Betrieb, -e to be in operation; to operate (a machine or a business); company, business, plant (as in: factory)
bestehen aus, bestand, hat bestanden to consist of
an•bringen, brachte an, hat angebracht to attach, to mount, to affix
verstärken; der Verstärker, -; die Verstärkung to amplify, to reinforce (e.g. troops, but not a wall, for example); amplifier; amplification, reinforcements
der Spiegel, - mirror
hohl hollow
aus•statten; die Ausstattung to equip; equipment (refers to the equipment you equip yourself with for e.g. scuba diving or camping ["Ausrüstung" is more commonly used in this sense], or to the fittings/accoutrements/devices with which a car or other device is equipped, not to specific equipment you might need for a given task--for that, use e.g. "Werkzeug" [=tools] or "Geräte.")
der Strom electric current
umgebend; die Umgebung; umgeben, er/sie/es umgibt, umgab, hat umgeben surrounding; the surroundings; to surround (as in "the forest surrounds the town," not as in "the enemy forces were surrounded")
die Größenordnung order of magnitude
der Raum, der Weltraum space (of course "der Raum" also means "room")
entstehen, entstand, ist entstanden to come into being, to be created
geeignet; sich eignen suitable; to be suited
die Richtung, -en; X auf Y richten direction (as in North, South, left, right etc.; not for e.g. asking directions or for instructions); to direct X at Y
entfallen, er/sie/es entfällt, entfiel, ist entfallen to fall away, to be inapplicable
der Verlust, -e; verlieren, verlor, hat verloren loss; to lose
die Leistung, -en power, efficiency, output, performance, achievement
aus•fallen, der Ausfall, ¨-e to fail, to give out, to be cancelled; failure
Kenn- prefix meaning "identifying" or "characteristic"
der Brennpunkt, -e focal point
unmittelbar directly
verarbeiten to process


der Fernmeldeturm, ¨-e telecommunications tower
die Witterung weather conditions (especially if the weather is bad)
die Abschattung, -en shadowing effects
Strom eins•peisen to feed current into
die Weiche, -n the fundamental meaning of "Weiche" is the "switch" that is moved in train tracks to alter a train's direction at a junction of two or more tracks; here the meaning is extended into the electrical realm, the idea being that the long wave signals are not being broadcast directly in their original frequencies, but rather somehow transformed and fed into the system separately.
mit...verkehren [der Verkehr = traffic, intercourse] to interact with
ein bestimmtes Zielgebiet a specific target area
um•setzen to convert, to transform (in a conceptual sense; can't use this e.g. for converting your garage into a house, or transforming an old computer into a digital recorder--for that, use terms like "um•wandeln," "um•bauen," "um•funktionieren" etc.)
Einbußen losses in (e.g. quality; implies that something has been sacrificed, e.g. for the sake of efficiency)