Jordana Levine has been accepted into the Schwarzman Scholarship program! Jordana was the sole University of Michigan student accepted and was chosen from a total of 4,200 applicants this year.

A double major in Middle Eastern Studies and History of Art, she plans to pursue a career in International Relations and Business. Jordana has worked as a Diplomacy Lab Research Analyst for the U.S. Mission to Saudi Arabia, a Fellow & Cohort Captain for Birthright Excel, and was Editor-in-Chief of the University of Michigan’s MASH Magazine. She hopes to use business, innovation, and joint multi-national initiatives as a platform to enhance relationships and connections between countries. Jordana has previously lived in China, as well as France and Israel and is excited to return in order to study at Tsinghua University.

When asked why she applied for Schwarzman, Jordana notes, “As an aspiring professional in the International Relations and Business space with a focus on the Middle East and Asia, I recognize the importance of understanding the distinct global positions of both the United States and China. These nations play pivotal roles in advancing global connectivity and fostering comprehensive international relations.” 

She was drawn to the globally diverse program because it will allow her to learn from leading experts in economic, policy, and global affairs fields while living in Beijing and enhancing peer-to-peer relations and begin building bridges between nations. She is particularly intrigued by the Belt and Road Initiative, as it is an example of China’s efforts to strengthen relations with countries in the Middle East, such as the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, stating, “I hope to gain deeper insights into these global dynamics and contribute to fostering international understanding and collaboration.” 

The rigorous application process has helped her clarify her vision for the future as a global leader in international relations, particularly as a Jewish American woman. Jordana is thrilled at the chance to connect with the diverse and accomplished individuals in the 2025 cohort and encourages future applicants to embrace the process as a means of self-discovery, a crucial step in shaping her aspirations in the realm of global leadership.

Jordana would also like to express her tremendous gratitude towards her parents, friends such as Max Katz, her academic advisors, and other role models at the University of Michigan: Dr. Donald Peurach and Ms. Cecilia Kühnel. Finally, she would like to thank Idit Rubin, Executive Director of the Birthright Israel Excel Fellowship.