Deutsch 103 Hausaufgaben--Herbst 2013

Gold = This part of the homework schedule is correct
Grün = This part of the homework schedule still needs to be finalized (but is a reasonable estimate of what to expect)


September Oktober
November Dezember

Here are the suggested assignments--but please be aware that your instructor may make changes to this in class!

Assignments are due on the class day following the day on which they are listed on this schedule.  If you notice any mistakes, please email Hartmut or inform your instructor!

iLrn Assignments

For each chapter, the iLrn assignment is the biggest assignment. We have broken it down for you into manageable chunks - but we are not requiring you to stick to this recommended schedule. Towards the end of each chapter, the online homework schedule will say "Chapter ___ iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class." This is when your instructor will check that you have completed this assignment. This means that in theory, you could do the entire assignment for the chapter the night before it's due - but if you do that, you won't learn much from it. Success in this course correlates closely with doing the iLrn assignments thoughtfully, so please start early, even if you don't stick precisely to the recommended schedule!

For iLrn homework, you should start each assigned exercise, but you need not finish it if you think you've gotten the point and don't need more practice.  Thinking about this as you work and stopping when you don't need further practice will help you learn more effectively than mechanically completing every item! In general, if an assignment doesn't seem useful to you, talk to your instructor about whether you might be able to do something else instead that seems more worthwhile to you.

Please use your common sense when the program tells you your response was incorrect: there may sometimes be more than one correct answer, and sometimes the program may grade your answer as incorrect only because of a trivial spelling mistake; it's also possible that the program may make a mistake. For open-ended questions, the program initially gives you 0 points regardless of your answer, until your instructor reviews the activity. If in doubt about a wrong answer, please ask your instructor before assuming you made a mistake!

Umlaute & ß: The iLrn interface includes buttons for ä, ö, ü, and ß, but entering text is much easier if you can learn a keyboard shortcut for typing these characters. Click here for a description of options you can choose from. On a Mac, there are easy shortcuts; on a PC, the easiest option is probably to activate the US International Keyboard and use the shortcuts this makes available.

Glosses: Sometimes, the iLrn activities include explanatory glosses for some of the words. These are indicated by a little raised circleo, like the glosses in the textbook. Whenever you see one of these, roll your mouse over the word (or phrase) to see the translation!

Dienstag, 3. September

Tag 1

Assignments are listed on the day on which they are assigned. They are due at the beginning of class on the class day FOLLOWING the day on which they are listed on this schedule, unless otherwise noted, i.e. what is listed here is due TOMORROW, not today. Think of this homework schedule as what your instructor would be writing on the board today in class, if s/he still wrote homework on the board

1. If your loose-leaf copy of the book has not yet arrived, please print chapter 1 [=drucken Sie Kapitel 1] of Vorsprung from CTools (Resources > Vorsprung_chapter01.pdf). Please bring it to class until your book arrives.

  • This is a lot of printing. Although we usually do not recommend that you bring a laptop or an iPad to class, you may want to do so until your book arrives, so that you can use the eBook in class, rather than printing all those pages. Just be very careful that it does not get knocked over when people are moving around the room for group activities!

2a. Sehen Sie [=watch] das Kapitel 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 1 "pre-quiz."

3a. Follow the instructions you received via CTools Announcements to register for your section of the iLrn course for German 103. If you no longer have the email, find it via the "Announcements" tab on CTools!

3b. Go to iLrn (; complete step (3a) above first!), click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "The Sounds of German" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do S:S-1, S:S-2, S:S-3, S:S-4, S:S-5, S:S-6 [In each case, make the window large enough so you can see the words and the recording controls; click "Submit" when you are satisfied with your recording. Don't worry about making mistakes: just go ahead and submit your first or second effort, and make a mental note of anything you want to work on.]

4. Lesen Sie [=read] die Kursinformation, die Information über die "Oral Exams" und Vorsprung [V] Seite Seite xxiii-xxiv (but ignore Vorsprung's advice to "avoid memorizing lists of words")

Mittwoch, 4. September

Tag. 2

Assignments are listed on the day on which they are assigned. They are due at the beginning of class on the class day FOLLOWING the day on which they are listed on this schedule, unless otherwise noted, i.e. what is listed here is due TOMORROW, not today. Think of this homework schedule as what your instructor would be writing on the board today in class, if s/he still wrote homework on the board

1. Go to iLrn (; check the earlier CTools announcement for instructions on how to register for your course's iLrn section!), click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 1" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:1-19 [Ignore the "Record and Chat" box: just do the rest of the activity!],T:1-34, S:1-1F, S:1-1L, S1-2D, S:1-2E, S:1-2I ("Logik": Accidentally labeled as S:1-1I in iLrn, but appearing correctly in the sequence of lsitening activities labeled S:1-2...; note the directions to write down the numerals as you listen, then go back and also write out the numbers), S:1-3B (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 1 Videos zum Spaß." These include: (i) Die Küstenwache [=coast guard] (ii) Die "Twist and Shout" Szene aus Ferris Bueller (iii) "Du": David Hasselhoff singt auf Deutsch (iv) "I've been looking for Freedom"--David Hasselhoff (v) German Lessons: Unit 1 - Saying "hello" in German (vi &vii) Sesamstraße: Graf Zahl zählt Briefe & Ernie zählt Äpfel (viii) Mo Do: Eins zwei Polizei (ix) Die Toten Hosen: Zehn kleine Jägermeister

Donnerstag, 5. September

Tag 3

Assignments are listed on the day on which they are assigned. They are due at the beginning of class on the class day FOLLOWING the day on which they are listed on this schedule, unless otherwise noted, i.e. what is listed here is due TOMORROW, not today. Think of this homework schedule as what your instructor would be writing on the board today in class, if s/he still wrote homework on the board

1. Kapitel 1 iLrn assignments (and the "Sounds of German" assignment, if you haven't done it yet!) must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 1" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. Click here for more info.

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, what you have left to do is: S:1-1I, S:1-1M, S:1-1Q, S:1-1U, S:1-1V, S:1-2G
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (but NOT required!):S:1-1O, S:1-2F
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):T:1-6, T:1-13, T:1-31, T:1-33, T:1-38, S:1-1C, S:1-1G, S:1-1H, S:1-1K, S:1-2A, S:1-2B, S:1-2J, S:1-3A
  • **Uncheck the "View assigned activities only" checkbox in the Assignment Calendar on iLrn in order to see the recommended exercises**
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the three short interviews: Wie heißen Sie?, Wie schreibt man das? and Woher kommen Sie?

2a. OPTIONAL: If you feel you need more practice with the Kapitel 1 vocabulary, review this annotated Kapitel 1 vocabulary list ("Kapitel1CEM.docx"), and then complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

2b. OPTIONAL: If you feel you need more practice with the Kapitel 1 grammar, complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

Freitag, 6. September

Tag 4

Assignments are listed on the day on which they are assigned. They are due at the beginning of class on the class day FOLLOWING the day on which they are listed on this schedule, unless otherwise noted, i.e. what is listed here is due ON MONDAY, not today. Think of this homework schedule as what your instructor would be writing on the board today in class, if s/he still wrote homework on the board

1. If your loose-leaf copy of the book has not yet arrived, please print chapter 2 [=drucken Sie Kapitel 2] of Vorsprung from CTools (Resources > Vorsprung_chapter02.pdf). Please bring it to class until your book arrives.

2a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 3 Video von 5:39-7:34 (i.e. watch ONLY the section of the Kapitel 3 video that's about Accusative Prepositions). Klicken Sie hier!

2c. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 2 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check." 

  • Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment (what if I score below 80%, why is my score 0, what if nothing happens when I click "submit" etc.)

3a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:2-3 and T:2-5 as follows: First do T:2-3 (Wortdetektiv); then open your book to p. 42 and click on T:2-5. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Then answer the questions.

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (but NOT required!): Do T:2-4 first, using the same procedure (i.e. read and listen to the text before answering the questions).
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:2-8 (make some inferences about the chapter 2 grammar based on the Anlauftext)
  • **Uncheck the "View assigned activities only" checkbox in the Assignment Calendar on iLrn in order to see the recommended exercises**

3b. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 2" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:2-11, S:2-1H, S:2-3B (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:2-34, S:2-1C, S:2-1D (Click here for more info!), S:2-1F
  • **Uncheck the "View assigned activities only" checkbox in the Assignment Calendar on iLrn in order to see the recommended exercises**

4. Für Dienstag: Free-writing assignment: 50 Wörter. EITHER: Write one or two paragraphs about anything from today's session in the computer room that you found interesting OR: Write one or two paragraphs about yourself and your interests. [Note: This is just some informal writing practice, NOT an essay assignment. You will get a regular homework grade (check/check plus/check minus) for it.]

Montag, 9. September

Tag 5

Assignments are listed on the day on which they are assigned. They are due at the beginning of class on the class day FOLLOWING the day on which they are listed on this schedule, unless otherwise noted, i.e. what is listed here is due TOMORROW, not today. Think of this homework schedule as what your instructor would be writing on the board today in class, if s/he still wrote homework on the board

1a. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 2" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:2-1J, S:2-2D (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

1b. Absprungtext lesen: Do iLrn T:2-23 and T:2-25 as follows: First do T:2-23 (Wortdetektiv); then read the text "Anna schreibt eine E-Mail" (V Seite 60); then do T:2-25

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:2-27 and S:2-1M (more short answer questions about the Absprungtext), S:2-2F (vocab review with fun sound effects)

2. Free-writing assignment: 50 Wörter. EITHER: Write one or two paragraphs about anything from Friday's session in the computer room that you found interesting OR: Write one or two paragraphs about yourself and your interests. [Note: This is just some informal writing practice, NOT an essay assignment. You will get a regular homework grade (check/check plus/check minus) for it.]

Dienstag, 10. September

Tag 6

1. Lesen Sie auf der Kurswebseite die "Supplementary Grammar Explanations" für Kapitel 2 (this will help you a lot with T:2-40 and T:2-41 on iLrn!).

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 2" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:2-40, T:2-41, S:2-1N, S:2-1P (Click here for more info!), S:2-1Q (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:2-1L (Click here for more info!), S:2-1S (Click here for more info!), S:2-2C

3. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 2 Videos zum Spaß."

Mittwoch, 11. September

Tag 7

1. Kapitel 2 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 2" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises.(Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, all you have left to do is: S:2-1W (Click here for more info!), S:2-2E, S:2-2G.
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:2-9, S:2-1R, S:2-2A
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the four short interviews: Haben Sie Geschwister?, Wie viel Uhr ist es?, Was machen Sie gern? and Beschreiben Sie Ihren Tagesablauf [=Describe your daily routine].

2a. OPTIONAL: If you feel you need more practice with the Kapitel 2 vocabulary, review this annotated Kapitel 2 vocabulary list ("Kapitel2CEM.docx"), and then complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

2b. OPTIONAL: If you feel you need more practice with the Kapitel 2 grammar, complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

3. Lesen Sie "Brennpunkt Kultur" in V: Seite 47 ("German immigration to North America") und Seite 76 ("Types of universities in Germany")

Donnerstag, 12. September

Tag 8

1. Lernen Sie für den Test: Kapitel 1 & 2 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus." Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you're discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

Freitag, 13. September

Tag 9

Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für den Test! IDEEN:
  • Go to iLrn, click on the "Self-tests" tab, and take "Post-Test 1" and "Post-Test 2."
  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 1 Video und das Kapitel 2 Video!

Montag, 16. September

Tag 10

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 3 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 3 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check." Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 50 for this particular exercise. To see all 50 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not "submittable"; it's just available for additional practice.

2a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:3-2 and T:3-5 as follows: First do T:3-2 (Wortdetektiv); then open your book to p. 82 and click on T:3-5. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions.

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): Do T:3-6 using the same procedure (i.e. read and listen to the text before answering the questions)

2b. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 3" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:3-1O (Click here for more info!), S:3-1P, S:3-3B (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

Dienstag, 17. September

Tag 11

1a. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 3" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:3-1N

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:3-1C (Good but repetitive practice of (mostly) stem-changing verbs. Just do a few until you get the point), S:3-1D (Practice conjugating (mostly) stem-changing verbs; Click here for more info!)

1b. Absprungtext lesen: Do iLrn T:3-23, T:3-24 & T:3-25 as follows: First do T:3-23 (Wortdetektiv); then scan the "Heidelberg und Mannheim" text (V Seite 102-3) for the answers to T:3-24; and finally read the text thoroughly in order to do T:3-25.

Mittwoch, 18. September

Tag 12

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 3" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:3-1E (Click here for more info!), S:3-1F (Click here for more info!), S:3-2F, S:3-2G (Do listen to the preliminary vocabulary list on the audio track, but then IGNORE the instructions to record yourself repeating that vocab for Teil 1. Instead, SCROLL DOWN to the questions in Teil 2 and answer them as the audio track continues)

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:3-1J (Practice with some realistic (& delicious...) menu language and the verb "möchte"; Click here for more info!)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 3 Videos zum Spaß."

Donnerstag, 19. September

Tag 13

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 3" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:3-1Q

  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):S:3-1G (Good practice with Possessive Adjectives in the Accusative, but a bit confusing to figure out what exactly you're supposed to do, so click here for more info!), S:3-2H (Good, but very tricky practice with Possessive Adjectives in the Accusative and with Accusative Pronouns ==> you can learn a lot from clicking here to read a detailed explanation of the answers, then listening to the audio and trying the questions, then looking at the explanation again. The exercise itself is very short, so this won't take you very long!)

Freitag, 20. September

Tag 14

1. Kapitel 3 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 3" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, all you have left to do is: S:3-2B (Click here for more info!), S:3-2C
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:3-1L (Practice some food vocab, Possessive Adjectives in the Accusative, and "nehmen"), S:3-1T (Practice food vocab and review numbers)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the four short interviews: Was essen Sie gern?, Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit? and Was können Sie besonders gut oder gar nicht gut? [=What are you especially good at or not at all good at?].

2. OPTIONAL: Complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

3. Für Mittwoch: Aufsatz 1. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

4. Lesen Sie "Brennpunkt Kultur" in V: Seite 95 ("Mealtimes in German-speaking countries"), Seite 97 ("The metric system") und Seite 106 ("Heidelberg and Mannheim")

Montag, 23. September

Tag 15

1. Kapitel 3 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date! Please hand this in in class!

  • For section I, review the plurals of the following nouns: Kapitel 1: Im Klassenzimmer; im Hörsaal (click here to see the plurals, since they are not listed in the book); Kapitel 2: Die Familie und die Verwandten; Kapitel 3: Das Essen.

2a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 4 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 4 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check." Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 44 for this particular exercise. To see all 44 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not "submittable"; it's just available for additional practice.

3. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:4-3 and T:4-4 as follows: First do T:4-3 (Wortdetektiv); then open your book to p. 124 and click on T:4-4. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions.

4. RECOMMENDED: Lesen Sie "Some Hints on How to Guess Gender"

Dienstag, 24. September

Tag 16

1. Aufsatz 1. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 4" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:4-8, T:4-13, T:4-14, S:4-1F, S:4-2G (Click here for more info!), S:4-3B

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:4-1C (conjugate "sollen" and practice clothing vocab)

Mittwoch, 25. September

Tag 17

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 4" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:4-35, T:4-36 (Click here for more info!), S:4-1H, S:4-2B (Click here for more info!), S:4-2C (Click here for more info!)

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:4-41 (Practice reading a German train schedule; Click here for more info!), S:4-1K (conjugate "dürfen" in a cute text about some pets), S:4-2H (although it's numbered "H," this is a Wortdetektiv activity to prepare you for S:4-2A, the next recommended activity), S:4-2A (practice clothing vocab by identifying what's being described at a fashion show)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 4 Videos zum Spaß."

Donnerstag, 26. September

Tag 18

1. Kapitel 4 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 4" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, all you have left to do is: S:4-1O, S:4-1P. S:4-2D (Answer the questions first, to test your understanding of modal verbs and bicycling vocab; then listen to the audio (click the "play" icon at the bottom of the page) to confirm your answers)
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:4-43 (review Eigenschaften vocab), S:4-1D (Practice du-Imperative, clothing vocab, negation, and modals), S:4-1E (practice the ihr-Imperative in a cute text about little kids who need to be reminded of everything)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the three short interviews: Was haben Sie in Ihrer Tasche?, Was tragen Sie gern? and Was können Sie gut oder nicht gut?

2. Complete and hand in this worksheet.

3. Lesen Sie "Brennpunkt Kultur" in V: Seite 123 ("Studienmöglichkeiten für Deutschlernende"), Seite 145 ("Rad fahren"), Seite 150 ("Mit der Bahn fahren"), Seite 157 ("Mit dem Auto fahren") und Seite 159 ("Frankfurt am Main")

  • Note some inaccuracies in the Frankfurt text: Frankfurt's airport is only the third busiest airport in Europe, and neither Deutsche Bahn nor Lufthansa has its headquarters in Frankfurt. It is, however, absolutely true that Frankfurt is the hub of Germany's banking and business community, and the location of Germany's stock market.
  • Note that Germany has in recent years introduced "Begleitetes Fahren ab 17", allowing 17-year olds to drive in the company of an adult over 30 who has had a driver's license for at least 5 years. This has been a success in terms of reducing the number of accidents by beginning drivers, and so there have been discussions of lowering the age limit for "Begleitetes Fahren" to 16.

Freitag, 27. September

Tag 19

1a. Lernen Sie für den Test: Kapitel 4 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus." Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you're discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

Montag, 30. September

Tag 20

Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für den Test! IDEEN:
  • Go to iLrn, click on the "Self-tests" tab, and take "Post-Test 3" and "Post-Test 4."
  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 3 Video und das Kapitel 4 Video!

Dienstag, 1. Oktober

Tag 21

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 5 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 5 grammar, which you should fill out and hand in!

1c. Since past tense forms of verbs were not listed before Kapitel 5, we compiled a list of irregular verb forms we expect German 101 students to know by the time they take the Kapitel 5 test. This list is here, for your reference; please also look carefully at the notes at the beginning. When you take the test on Kapitel 5 & 6 in German 103, you should of course also know the additional irregular verbs that are introduced in Kapitel 6 (notably einziehen & leihen).

2a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:5-3, T:5-4, T:5-5 and T:5-9 as follows: First, look at the vocabulary hints in the bullet point below. Then do T:5-3 (Zeitdetektiv) and T:5-4; then open your book to p. 166 and click on T:5-5. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text once or twice while reading along. Answer the questions, then do T:5-9.

  • Vokabeln: die Geschichte = story (also means "history"); erzählen = to tell (a story); der/die Kellner(in) = waiter/waitress; die Studentenkneipe = student bar; Geld verdienen = to earn money; X hat mir gut gefallen = I (really) liked X; das Trinkgeld = tip; wenigstens = at least; gut aussehen = to look good; einladen = to invite; nachher = afterwards; zusammen = together; leidenschaftlich diskutieren = to have a passionate discussion; etwas mutiger = a bit more courageous; später = later; die Alster: a river that forms a lake in Hamburg; einander küssen = to kiss each other; zum ersten Mal = for the first time; es hat die ganze Zeit geregnet = it rained the whole time; eine ganz schlimme Erkältung = a really bad cold; trotzdem = nevertheless; du hast mir so leidgetan = I felt so sorry for you (es tut mir leid = I'm sorry about that); Zeit miteinander verbringen = to spend time with each other; abends ausgehen = to go out in the evenings; die Nacht durchmachen = to stay up all night (partying or working) ==> adding "tolle" means that these nights were great; St. Pauli: a district of Hamburg known for its nightlife (in particular, the "Reeperbahn" area which we'll read about in "Brennpunkt Kultur" in this chapter); die Elbe: a major river that goes through Hamburg; ein Liebesgedicht = a love poem; vergessen = to forget; bis über beide Ohren verliebt sein = to be head over heels in love (literally: above both ears); deshalb = therefore; sich verloben = to get engaged; bald danach = soon afterwards; heiraten = to marry (verheiratet = married)

2b. RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:5-6, T:5-8, S:5-1C (all three of these provide additional review of the Anlauftext; this is good vocab and grammar practice)

Mittwoch, 2. Oktober

Tag 22

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 5" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:5-20, S:5-1B, S:5-1D, S:5-2B (Click here for more info! Seriously, please click on the link: it will save you a lot of time!), S:5-2H, S:5-3B (Click here for more info!)

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:5-15 (Fun Conversational Past practice; IGNORE THE RECORD & CHAT PART!), S:5-1E (Conversational Past practice), S:5-2A (Great listening and conversational practice, but recommended rather than required as the text is a bit long and the activity itself is not good. Just read through the sentences in the activity itself as a preview, then listen to the text a couple of times to see what you can undestand, and ignore the actual activity. Click here for more info!)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 5 Videos zum Spaß."

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober

Tag 23

1. Lesen Sie den Text "Vorspiel per SMS". Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in. Please assume that all the questions begin with the disclaimer "according to the article": this article is filled with intentionally provocative gender stereotypes!

  • We strongly encourage you to work on this assignment in pairs or groups. If you do so, you can just hand in one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!
  • Click here if you'd like to see the original text online (you need to click on "weiter" at the bottom of the page to see the second half of the text).
  • Read through the entire text once quickly without stopping (don't let this take longer than 5 minutes!), then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand the text well enough to answer the questions. Please resist the urge to look up every unknown word, but do look up any of the italicized words [vocabulary from Vorsprung Kapitel 1-5] that you don't recognize.
  • For fun, watch this Youtube video (Jasper: Der HDL-Song), which makes fun of the overuse of abbreviations like "LOL". To see explanations of the abbreviations in the song, click on the "more info" link. The punchline at the end is "Hilf deinem Gehirn! Dauerhaftes Loln führt im Unterbewusstsein eine Beschädigung am Einfühlungsvermögen durch!" i.e. "Help your brain. Constant "LOL"-ing leads to subconscious damage of your capacity for empathy."
  • When you are finished: answer the poll questions at CTools > Polls > Haben Sie schon einmal ein Date per SMS arrangiert? and CTools > Polls > Was halten Sie von dem HDL-Song?

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 5" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:5-1H, S:5-2D (Click here for more info!), S:5-2E

3. Für Dienstag: Aufsatz 2. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

Freitag, 4. Oktober

Tag 24

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 5" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:5-1M (Click here for more info!), S:5-1P, S:5-2F (Click here for more info!), S:5-2G

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:5-1J (practice "dass"), S:5-1K (practice "ob"), S:5-1L (practice with "zu + infinitive")
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:5-1N (practice "dass" and "zu + infinitive"), S:5-1O (Practice starting the sentence with something other than the subject, while keeping the verb 2nd), S:5-1Q (practice "wenn" and dating vocab)

Montag, 7. Oktober

Tag 25

1. Aufsatz 2. Thema: Klicken Sie hier! Please note that the prompts are both written in the Conversational Past, and so your essay should also be written in the Conversational Past, not in the Present Tense!

2. Lesen Sie "Brennpunkt Kultur" in V: Seite 177 ("Hansestadt Hamburg") und Seite 189 ("Bekannte oder Freunde?")

Dienstag, 8. Oktober

Tag 26

1. Kapitel 5 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 5" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises.

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, you're done - so you could go back and try some of the recommended activities :)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the three short interviews: Wie ist das Wetter?, Was haben Sie am letzten Wochenende gemacht? and Was haben Sie letzten Sommer gemacht?

2. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Complete and hand in this worksheet.

3. Kapitel 5 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date! Please hand this in in class! If you need more time for this, just ask your instructor.

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober

Tag 27

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 6 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 6 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check." Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment.

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 38 for this particular exercise. To see all 38 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not "submittable"; it's just available for additional practice.

2a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:6-3 and T:6-4 as follows: First do T:6-3 (Satzdetektiv); then open your book to p. 206 and click on T:6-4. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions.

2b. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 6" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:6-30, S:6-1J, S:6-2E

3. Memorize the Basic Chart of Forms of der/das/die, ein-words, Pronouns [ignore the Genitive]. Note that there are some simple, repetitive exercises at the bottom of the page to help you memorize this material (they include the Genitive, however).

  • Click here for a version of the chart that prints on one page.

Donnerstag, 10. Oktober

Tag 28

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 6" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:6-1D, S:6-1E, S:6-2F (Click here for more info!), S:6-2H

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:6-1C (Dative pronoun practice), S:6-2D (Practice listening for Dative pronouns), S:6-3B (practice some useful additional vocab)

2. Lesen Sie den Text "Kleine Zimmer, kleine Miete - Leben im Studentenwohnheim". Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in.

  • We strongly encourage you to work on this assignment in pairs or groups. If you do so, you can just hand in one copy of the worksheet with all your names on it, and you will all get the same grade!
  • Start with the vocabulary task. Then read through the entire text once quickly without stopping (don't let this take longer than 5 minutes!). Then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand the text well enough to answer the questions. Resist the urge to look up every unknown word!

Freitag, 11. Oktober

Tag 29

1. Kapitel 6 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 6" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises.

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, what you have left to do is: T:6-40, T:6-44 (Click here for more info!), S:6-1H (Click here for more info!), S:6-1I (Click here for more info!), S:6-1L, S:6-2A (Just do Teil 1; ignore Teil 2!), S:6-2B, S:6-2I
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:6-1F (Practice reading short passages describing typical student housing arrangements; Click here for more info!), S:6-1K (Fun der-word practice: fill in blanks in a rant about "Die Jugend von heute"; Click here for more info!), S:6-1O (Crossword puzzle practicing vocab and reading brief clues; Click here for more info!), S:6-2C (More listening practice involving Anna and Fabio (from S:6-2B)), S:6-2G (Review furniture and rooms of the house. When you hear "Kühlschrank," the speakers are in the kitchen; when the speakers mention "Blumen" [=flowers], they're in the garden)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the short interviews: Würden Sie Deutschland als eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft bezeichnen?

2. OPTIONAL: Complete and hand in this worksheet.

3. Lesen Sie "Brennpunkt Kultur" in V: Seite 211 ("Wo Studenten wohnen") und Seite 225 ("Tübingen")

Mittwoch, 16. Oktober

Tag 30

1. Lernen Sie für den Test: Kapitel 6 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus." Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you're discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.
  • Since past tense forms of verbs were not listed before Kapitel 5, we compiled a list of irregular verb forms we expect German 101 students to know by the time they take the Kapitel 5 test. This list is here, for your reference; please also look carefully at the notes at the beginning. When you take the test on Kapitel 5 & 6 in German 103, you should of course also know the additional irregular verbs that are introduced in Kapitel 6 (notably einziehen & leihen). You could add new verbs to this list as you proceed through the course, or simply look regularly at the verb tables on pp. 494-6.

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 6 Videos zum Spaß."

Donnerstag, 17. Oktober

Tag 31

Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für den Test! IDEEN:
  • Go to iLrn, click on the "Self-tests" tab, and take "Post-Test 5" and "Post-Test 6."
  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 5 Video und das Kapitel 6 Video!

Freitag, 18. Oktober

Tag 32

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 7 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. Bitte sehen Sie auch dieses geniale kurze Video über die Wechselpräpositionen [=2-way prepositions], das an einer High School in Minnesota gemacht wurde!

1c. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 7 "pre-quiz."

2a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:7-2, T:7-3, and T:7-6 as follows: First do T:7-2 (Satzdetektiv); then open your book to p. 246 and click on T:7-3. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions. Finally, do T:7-6.

2b. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 7" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:7-1B.

3. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 3-11 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

BITTE BRINGEN SIE MORGEN DAS JANOSCH BUCH! (We won't continue to list this in the homework schedule: in general, you should just bring it whenever you've been assigned to read some of it.)

Montag, 21. Oktober

Tag 33

1. Complete this "Deutsch 103 Grundlagenwiederholung" [=review of fundamentals] worksheet!

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 7" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:7-8, S:7-1D (see note below!), S:7-1M (Click on the map to see a larger version of it in a separate window. Ignore the numbers and the routes drawn on the map: these have nothing to do with this particular exercise), S:7-2C, S:7-3B

  • Note: For S:7-1D, you will write four sentences, each beginning "Die Straßenbahn fährt..." and ending respectively with the German equivalents of (1) behind the church (2) over the bridge (3) under the bridge (4) in front of the train station. Note that in each case you will use the Accusative, since the statements describe changes in the tram's location. There may be a related exercise on the Kapitel 7 & 8 test, but if so, the prompts will be designed so that you will sometimes need the Dative and sometimes the Accusative.
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):
    • S:7-1E (great practice of 2-way prepositions, and a cute cat & mouse story. We'd require it, but don't want to assign too much homework),
    • S:7-2D (Great practice for following directions. Scroll down and click on the map to see an enlarged version of the map in a separate window. Then just listen to the audio while ignoring the directions in the exercise, i.e. DON'T write down what you hear. Instead, just follow the directions on the map with your mouse. For Teil 1, your starting point is in front of the Hauptbahnhof; for Teil 2, your starting point is inside the Staatsgalerie; the audio begins by instructing you to go out on the Urbanstraße side and turn right)
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):
    • T:7-13 (2-way prepositions in the Dative),
    • T:7-15 (practice vocab for giving directions. Note the instructions to refer to the map on p. 259. Note: der Marktplatz ("Marktpl." on the map) ist vor dem Rathaus, near the bottom of the map),
    • S:7-1C (2-way prepositions in the Dative and review of telling time),
    • S:7-2I (Great practice at listening for Accusative/Dative forms of der/das/die. The audio is terribly performed but very clear and good practice. It's about two detectives following a woman who they think is a book-thief.

Dienstag, 22. Oktober

Tag 34

1. Lesen Sie den Text "Freiburgs Trainer Robin Dutt: 'Bei uns lebt Multikulti'". Click here to download the text combined with vocabulary notes and a worksheet, which you should fill out and hand in.

  • Read through the entire text once quickly without stopping (don't let this take longer than 5 minutes!), then read it through one more time and answer the questions as you go. You only need to understand the text well enough to answer the questions. Please resist the urge to look up every unknown word, and try to answer the questions about word meanings without looking up those words - but do look up any other words that you think you should know by now.

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 7" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:7-1F, S:7-1G

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:7-19 (practice stehen/stellen, liegen/legen etc.)

3. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 7 Videos zum Spaß."

Mittwoch, 23. Oktober

Tag 35

1. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 12-19 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 7" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:7-1I, S:7-1J

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:7-1L (simple riddles practicing time/manner/place), S:7-1Q (fun vocab practice. Click here for more info on how the iLrn crossword puzzles work)
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:7-1N (using "mit" with means of transportation)

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober

Tag 36

1. Kapitel 7 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 7" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, then you're already done and will have time for some of the recommended iLrn exercises from this chapter :)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:7-1R (great reading practice. Click on the text to see a larger version of it!)
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):
    • S:7-1O (weil vs damit. Note that Clara reads the Liebesroman because she's romantic; Frieda buys the cartoon video (Trickfilm) so that the kids won't play as raucously (loudly) on Saturday. If an answer surprises you, ask your instructor about it!),
    • S:7-2A (dull, but good, clearly spoken listening practice that's great review of the chapter material. Listen a couple of times to try to understand as much as possible of what Anna says; ignore the actual questions in the activity)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the two short interviews: Wohin gehen Sie gern? and Was kann man hier alles machen?

2. Listen to episodes 12 & 14 of the "Lernen to Talk Show"(click on the links below). Listen to each video at least twice. With the help of the subtitles and annotations, write down as much as you can of what was said, focusing on what seems useful and/or fun/interesting to you. Spend a total of 20-30 minutes on EACH of the two videos.

  • This is a video blog done by a student who went to Germany for a year in 2011/12, studying and working there through the Congress Bundestag program. He created a series of 6-7 minute videos once a week to document his progress in the language, each of them carefully subtitled (and often also annotated). The subtitles and annotations actually show you some of the mistakes he makes as he speaks, which can be very instructive - and of course you'll also hear lots of correct German (he's a fast learner). Watching all of his videos systematically via the main page could be both instructive and inspiring, and is also great listening practice.
  • Week 12 (in Duisburg)
  • Week 14 (in Dortmund)
  • Since there is only one iLrn listening exercise assigned in this chapter, your iLrn listening grade for this chapter will be given for the combination of that exercise (S:7-2C) and this "Lernen to Talk Show" assignment.

Freitag, 25. Oktober

Tag 37

1. Kapitel 7 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date! Please hand this in in class!

2a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 8 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

2b. When you're ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 8 grammar, which you should fill out and hand in!

3a. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:8-3 and T:8-4 as follows: First do T:8-3 (Satzdetektiv); then open your book to p. 290 and click on T:8-4. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions.

3b. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 8" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:8-18, S:8-1F

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:8-7 (identify some patterns based on the reflexive pronouns used in the Anlauftext), T:8-10 (practice reflexive pronouns with some newer/more difficult verbs), T:8-13 (simple reflexive pronoun practice)

4. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie auf dem Web über Präpositionen (Ignore info on Genitive prepositions and on prepositional verbs) und über Wortstellung. You need not "submit" the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.

Montag, 28. Oktober

Tag 38

1a. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 8" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:8-34, S:8-1G, S:8-1T, S:8-2E

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:8-16 (Practice vocab for daily routines), T:8-21 (Practice reflexive verbs and vocab for daily routines), S:8-1E (Practice reflexive verbs and vocab for morning routines), S:8-2F (Click here for more info!)
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): Absprungtext lesen ("Die beste Uni für mich"): Do iLrn T:8-31, T:8-32, T:8-34 [this exercise is actually required and so is also listed above] & T:8-35 as follows: First scan the text, "Die beste Uni für mich" (V Seite 310-1) for the answers to T:8-31; then do T:8-32 & T:8-34 (Guessing meanings of words from the text); and finally read the text thoroughly in order to do T:8-35. CLICK HERE FOR SOME NOTES YOU WILL NEED IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT!

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 8 Videos zum Spaß."

Dienstag, 29. Oktober

Tag 39

1. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 20-27 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 8" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:8-23, S:8-1D (Click here for more info!), S:8-1K, S:8-1L, S:8-1N, S:8-3B

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:8-2H (Listen for present vs future tense verb forms; Click here for more info!)

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober

Tag 40

1. Kapitel 8 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 8" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, what you have left to do is: S:8-1P (Click here for more info!), S:8-2C
  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:8-52 (Practice prepositional verbs; Click here for more info!), T:8-53 (Practice prepositional verbs), S:8-1Q (Practice prepositional verbs), S:8-1S (practice wo-compounds)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the two short interviews: Wie finanzieren Sie Ihr Studium? and Wie finden Sie die Universität?

2. OPTIONAL: Complete and hand in this worksheet. (If you'd like to do this but don't have time now, feel free to hand it in later!)

3. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie auf dem Web über Prepositional Verbs (You can find practice exercises on this topic on the Prepositions page.)

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober

Tag 41

1. Lernen Sie für den Test: Kapitel 8 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus." Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you're discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

2. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie auf dem Web über Reflexive Verben und über Da-Compounds. You need not "submit" the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.

Freitag, 1. November

Tag 42

1. Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für den Test! IDEEN:

  • Go to iLrn, click on the "Self-tests" tab, and take "Post-Test 7" and "Post-Test 8."
  • Sehen Sie noch einmal [=watch one more time] das Kapitel 7 Video und das Kapitel 8 Video!

Montag, 4. November

Tag 43

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 9 - Teil 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 9 - Teil 1 "pre-quiz." 

2. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:9-3, T:9-4 and T:9-6 as follows: First, look at the vocabulary hints in the first bullet point below. Then do T:9-3 (Satzdetektiv). Then read the vocabulary hints in the second bullet point below, open your book to p. 336, and click on T:9-4. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions. Then do T:9-6 (choose TWO answers for question 5: one for the first sentence, one for the second one!).

  • Vokabeln im Satzdetektiv: Gute Nachrichten = good news; das Vorstellungsgespräch = job interview; sich bewerben = to apply (for a job); das Praktikum = internship; die Stelle = position, job; der Termin = appointment; fest = firm, fixed; die einmalige Gelegenheit = unique opportunity; die Daumen drücken = to press one's thumbs (German gesture for wishing someone luck); sich verhalten = to conduct oneself; wie wäre es mit X? = how about X?; die Arbeitserfahrung = work experience; sich beruhigen = to calm down; beeindrucken = to impress; warum würdest du nicht... = why wouldn't you...?
  • Mehr Vokabeln im Anlauftext: die Wiener Staatsoper = Vienna National Opera House; die Einladung = invitation; In der Tat? = Really? Wow!; wahnsinnig = cazy, awesome; die Betriebsleitung = management (leadership [Leitung] of the company [Betrieb]); das hat keinen Zweck = there's no point in that, that's not a good idea; trotzdem = nevertheless; das schaffe ich nie = I'll never manage (to do) that (successfully); einen guten Eindruck machen = to make a good impression; ein anständiger Haarschnitt = a decent haircut; sich vorbereiten auf = to prepare for; die Personalabteilung = the HR department; der Betriebsleiter = the head of the company; anwenden = to apply (an idea in practice: die Praxis); außerdem = besides; mit allen möglichen Leuten gut auskommen = to get along well with all kinds of people; du brauchst bloß zu üben = you just need to practice; ich mache immer so ein großes Theater = I always turn everything into a big drama; Jetzt wäre es wirklich die richtige Zeit dafür = Now would really be the right time for that [i.e. for turning something into a drama, literally, in this case, by practicing how he will "act" in his interview]

3. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 28-35 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

Dienstag, 5. November

Tag 44

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:9-8, T:9-13, T:9-14, S:9-1C (Click here for more info!), S:9-1H, S:9-3B

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:9-12 (Accusative relative pronouns), S:9-1B (Nominative relative pronouns and job-related vocabulary)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 9 Videos zum Spaß."

Mittwoch, 6. November

Tag 45

1a. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:9-19 (in answering the questions, imagine that you are yourself, but you've been hired for an apprenticeship in Germany in a profession you like), S:9-1E (Click here for more info!)

1b. Absprungtext lesen (T:9-23 & T:9-24): This information about the classical music scene in Vienna is taken from the website of the Vienna Tourism Board. Work through it as follows: (1) Look over the place names and vocabulary in the first two bullet points below (2) Read through the entire text once quickly without stopping, even if it feels like you aren't understanding much (3) Do iLrn T:9-23 (Satzdetektiv); and finally (4) Read the text thoroughly in order to do T:9-24.

  • Institutions/Places mentioned in the text: Die Wiener Staatsoper: the most prestigious opera house; Das Theater an der Wien: historic musical theater; Die Wiener Volksoper: the "People's Opera"; Die Wiener Kammeroper: the Vienna "Chamber Opera"; Der Wiener Musikverein: home of the Vienna Philharmonic; Das Wiener Konzerthaus: another important concert hall; Musiker-Gedenkstätten: memorial sites for various classical musicians (these are generally museums created out of houses in which these musicians formerly lived)
  • Vokabeln: berühmt = famous; bekannt = well-known; Operette = operetta (a sort of "light" version of opera that was especially popular in Austria and Germany); erobern = to conquer; die Bühne = stage; die Vorstellung = performance; täglich wechselnd = changing daily; abwechslungsreich = varied; sowie = und; der Veranstaltungsort = event venue; alljährlich = annually; Jugendstil = Art Nouveau; ein Dutzend = a dozen; auf den Spuren der Meister wandeln = to follow the tracks of the great masters; Erinnerungsstücke = memorabilia; als Museen gestaltete Wohnungen = dwellings that have been turned into museums; Mobiliar = furnishings; Gegenstände = objects; die Partitur = musical score; Gemälde = paintings; besonders prominent besetzte Einspielungen = recordings by especially well-known musicians; Kopfhörer = headset; ausgestellt = exhibited; die Verzweiflung = despair; die Taubheit = deafness; ist erhalten geblieben = has remained preserved; schuf = created; Oratorien = oratorios; die Schöpfung = Creation; heute malerisch anmutend = seeming picturesque today [but what seems picturesque now was a symptom of poverty in the past]; bestehen aus = to consist of; beherbergen = to house; der Nachlass = estate; Erfinder = inventor; Sonderausstellung = special exhibit
  • An earlier version of this text (in the 2nd edition of our textbook) mentioned "die deutsche Hymne" [i.e. the German national anthem], by Haydn, and "die europäische Hymne," by Beethoven [the "Freude schöner Götterfunken" chorus from his 9th symphony]. Click on the links if you'd like to hear these, and here for more info on the "Deutschlandlied"!
  • Warum konnte Mozart seinen Klavierlehrer nicht finden? Because he was Haydn :)

Donnerstag, 7. November

Tag 46

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 9 - Teil 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 9 - Teil 2 grammar, which you should fill out and hand in!

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:9-29

3. Für Mittwoch: Aufsatz 3. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

Freitag, 8. November

Tag 47

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:9-38 (Click here for more info!), S:9-1I (Click here for more info!), S:9-1J (Click here for more info!)

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:9-34 (adjective endings & adjective vocab practice), T:9-36 (adjective endings and workplace-related vocab), S:9-1K (Practice city name adjectives; Click here for more info!), S:9-1R (Crossword puzzle: good review of chapter vocabulary and relative pronouns. You need to wait a few seconds for this to load. Click here for more info!)

Montag, 11. November

Tag 48

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:9-41 (Click here for more info!), T:9-44 (Click here for more info!), S:9-2D

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:9-1L (comparative practice based on cute pictures of two very different families), S:9-1M (superlative practice based on the same cute pictures of two very different families), S:9-1N (superlative practice + workplace-related vocab + review of weil)

2. Complete and hand in this worksheet.

Dienstag, 12. November

Tag 49

1. Aufsatz 3. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

Mittwoch, 13. November

Tag 50

1. Kapitel 9 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 9" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, what you have left to do is: S:9-2A (Click here for info and vocab you desperately need in order to be able to do this!), S:9-2C (Click here for more info and vocab!)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the short interview: Was sind Sie von Beruf?
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!):S:9-1F [Review of wo-compounds: use wo-compounds to refer to ideas and concepts, and "preposition + pronoun" to refer to people], S:9-1O [Challenging additional reading practice related to the chapter], S:9-1S [Challenging but short and very useful reading practice (a job ad)]

2. Kapitel 9 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date! Please hand this in in class! If you need more time for this, just ask your instructor.

Donnerstag, 14. November

Tag 51

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 10 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 10 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check." Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 54 for this particular exercise. To see all 54 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not "submittable"; it's just available for additional practice. 

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 10" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:10-1E (Click here for more info!), S:10-1F, S:10-1G (If you think you've had enough Narrative Past practice, just do the first one or two - but S:10-1F and S:10-1G are good practice, and fun attempts at a modern fairy tale about Anna Adler)

Freitag, 15. November

Tag 52

1a. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 10" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:10-14 (Click here for more info!), S:10-2D (Click here for more info!), S:10-2E

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:10-15 (More Narrative Past practice; Click here for more info!)

1b. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:10-5, T:10-6 and T:10-9 as follows: First do T:10-5 (Wortfelder); then open your book to p. 384 and click on T:10-6. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text ("Aschenputtel"!) while reading along. Do this once or twice, then answer the questions. Then do T:10-9.

  • Note: Please also think about the following question: Warum war Blut in den Schuhen der bösen Schwestern? If you're unsure, be sure to ask about it in class!
  • OPTIONAL: you may enjoy reading a more authentic (and complete) version of Aschenputtel online at this great Grimm Brothers site.  Scroll to the bottom of the story and you will see links to various illustrated versions of the story, and to a dual language version.  The menu options also include an online quiz.  If you like this site, click here to see their web editions of lots of other Grimm fairy tales! Please email Hartmut if these links are broken: this site moves periodically.

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 10 Videos zum Spaß."

Montag, 18. November

Tag 53

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 10" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:10-1K (Click here for more info!), S:10-2G (Click here for more info!), S:10-3B

  • RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:10-2A (Another classic Grimm's fairy tale, and great narrative past practice: a father send out his seven sons to fetch water for their newborn sister's emergency baptism. In their enthusiasm to get the water, they drop the pitcher in the spring, and when they don't return, the father, thinking they forgot his request, wishes they would turn into ravens for their thoughtlessness. Because it's a fairy tale, his curse becomes reality. When the little girl grows up and the townspeople tell her about her brothers' fate, she sets out to find and save them...), S:10-2B (Fun, and great narrative past practice, but very long: it turns out that the witch (Hexe) in Hänsel & Gretel was not evil at all, but just a nice, lonely, eccentric old lady with an odd obsession with her vegetable garden and making salads, and a roof repaired by using gingerbread), S:10-2C (Some interesting info about Liechtenstein)

2. Complete and hand in this worksheet.

Dienstag, 19. November

Tag 54

1. Kapitel 10 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 10" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, all you have left to do is: S:10-1L, S:10-1M (Click here for more info!), S:10-10, S:10-2F
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the short interview: Welches ist Ihr liebster Feiertag?
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:10-1B & C (More Narrative Past practice. "Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten" is a classic Grimm's fairy tale about an aging donkey, dog, cat and rooster who go to Bremen to become musicians because their owners are getting ready to kill them. On the way, they find some robbers in a house, climb on top of each other and start to sing; the terrified robbers escape), S:10-1N (Review of superlative, some Genitive practice, and makes you think about your home state), S:10-1Q (Reading practice: an interesting text about Bern), S:10-1R (Crossword. A bit slow to load, but good reading, writing and vocab practice), S:10-1T (a fun story, and good practice for the reading section of the test!)

1. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 36-41 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

Mittwoch, 20. November

Tag 55

1a. Lernen Sie für den Test: Kapitel 10 Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus." Your instructor will determine the grade in class by taking a very quick look while you're discussing your responses in pairs, so that you can keep the sheet and continue studying with it.

Donnerstag, 21. November

Tag 56

Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für den Test! IDEEN:

Freitag, 22. November

Tag 57

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 11 - Teil 1 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to download a worksheet on the Kapitel 11 - Teil 1 grammar, which you should fill out and hand in!

2. Anlauftext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn 11-2 & 11-4 as follows:

  • (1) Look over the vocabulary and the explanations about the Subjunctive in the last two bullet points below
  • (2) Read through the entire text once quickly without stopping, even if it feels like you aren't understanding much
  • (3) Do iLrn 11-2. You will need to refer to the pictures of the sights on p. 423. Click here for additional information about the sights in the pictures that will help with this activity (and when you visit Berlin ).
  • (4) Finally, open your book to p. 435 and click on 11-4. Click the "Play" icon and listen to the text while reading along. Do this twice, then answer the questions.
  • Vokabeln: die Verspätung = delay [Anna apologizes for arriving late]; erzähl mal von = tell me about; eine Kleinigkeit essen = to have a snack [eine Kleinigkeit: something small]; recht interessant = quite interesting; die Kuppel des Reichstags = the cupola (dome) on the Reichstag (parlament building); besichtigen = to go see a sight; sich vorher anmelden = to register in advance; kaum noch = hardly still [he's telling Anna that the Berlin Wall has mostly been torn down, and he names the three locations where remnants of it can still be seen]; Abgemacht! = Agreed!/It's a deal!; Pass mal auf = Listen (literally: pay attention); Klingt gut = Sounds good [VERY useful expression!]; einen Bummel machen = to go for a stroll; entlang = along [a street or river]; das neue Regierungsviertel = the new government quarter [i.e. district]; das jüdische Mahnmal = the Jewish memorial; Was willst du denn dort um diese Zeit? = But what do you want to do there at that hour [when there's not a lot going on]?; hat von...geschwärmt = raved about; ich bin verabredet = I have a date/appointment to meet someone
  • Subjunctive II: There are many examples of Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in the Anlauftext. Here is some more information about them: Picture 3: The Subjunctive lets us know that Anna did not end up seeing the Reichstag, even though she wanted to: ich hätte stundenlang anstehen müssen = I would have had to stand in line for hours. (Note that with modal verbs, the past subjunctive is formed by combining hätte (always hätte, never wäre) with two infinitives; the infinitive of the modal verb comes last) Picture 4: Ich hätte dich warnen sollen = I should have warned you (Past subjunctive with a modal verb again; note the two infinitives and hätte). Das würde mich schon interessieren = That would indeed (schon) interest me (We learned about the würde + infinitive form in Kapitel 9 already) Picture 5: Ich würde gern Potsdam sehen = I would like to see Potsdam (würde + infinitive again) Picture 6: Wir sollten damit bis Samstag warten = We should wait with that (damit) until Sunday. Dann hätte ich mehr Zeit = Then I would have more time (We learned that hätte = would have in Kapitel 9 already) Picture 7: Aber was würdest du dann für morgen vorschlagen? = But then what would you suggest for tomorrow? (würde + infinitive again) Picture 8: An deiner Stelle würde ich... = If I was you, I would... Am Nachmittag könnten wir... = In the afternoon we could... Picture 9: Das wäre schön = That would be nice (We learned that wäre = would be in Kapitel 9 already). Ich würde gern sehen... = I would like to see... (würde + infinitive again). Vom Brandenburger Tor aus könnten wir das machen = We could do that by starting from the Brandenburg Gate (vom BT aus) Picture 10: ich hätte noch einen Wunsch = I have one more wish [here, hätte just makes the request more polite]; Könnten wir... = Could we... Picture 11: Am Wochenende wäre es aber lebendiger = On the weekend it would be more lively, though (wäre = would be, again) Picture 12: Das hätte ich gleich ahnen sollen = I should have suspected that right away (Past subjunctive with a modal verb again; note the two infinitives and hätte)

Montag, 25. November

Tag 58

1. Lesen Sie Janosch Seite 42-48 und schreiben Sie 50-100 Wörter darüber.

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 11" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:11-1E, S:11-1J

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1B (Subjunctive II practice), S:11-1C (Subjunctive II practice), S:11-1M (Subjunctive II practice)
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:11-12 (Subjunctive II practice), T:11-13 (Subjunctive II practice), T:11-19 (Subjunctive II practice)

3. Für Montag: Aufsatz 4. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

Dienstag, 26. November

Tag 59

1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 11" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:11-1D, S:11-1F, S:11-1G (just write one thing you would have done differently in each situation. For number 3, suggest alternatives for Armin's behavior, not the mother's or the doctor's. Remember you need past subjunctive for this: hätte gekauft, wäre gegangen, etc.),

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): T:11-17 [Practice forming the past tense of Subjunctive II with a modal verb, using the double infinitive construction. In this case, the modal verb will always be sollen. If the text says what I/we didn't do, say that I/we should have done it; if it says what we did do, say that we shouldn't have done it], S:11-1K (Subjunctive II practice: For each item, use Subjunctive II to say what your parents wish would be the case, and then Indicative to say what is actually the case)
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1H [Practice forming the past tense of Subjunctive II with a modal verb, using the double infinitive construction (which you will already see in the prompts, in which the know-it-all Peter says what he would have done). Because the clauses all start with "dass," the verbs all go to the end. With the double infinitive construction, this works slightly differently than normal: instead of the conjugated verb (hätte) going to the very end, it actually comes just before the double infinitive. So, for the first item, you will write: "Katja, dieser Peter hat gemeint, dass er keinen ganzen Tag im Park Sanssouci hätte verbringen wollen."], S:11-1I [Good practice of present and past Subjunctive. Note that you can write consequences in the Present or the Past Subjunctive: e.g. if I had slept in my German class (past Subjunctive premise), I wouldn't be able to speak German now (Present Subjunctive consequence) OR I wouldn't have met my current boyfriend/girlfriend (Past Subjunctive consequence)], S:11-1L [Past Subjunctive practice],

2. Arbeiten Sie an Ihrem Rollenspiel!

Mittwoch, 27. November

Tag 60

1. Aufsatz 4. Thema: Klicken Sie hier!

2. RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required): Sehen Sie den Janosch Film The movie is on reserve in the LRC. It's 70 minutes long and has German subtitles. The movie is fun and colorful, and extrapolates on the basic plot of the book in various cute ways. Click here to download vocabulary notes and a worksheet on the movie. The vocabulary list focuses on useful expressions from the movie that you might enjoy learning. Obviously you needn't fill out the worksheet, but it might help you in thinking about how the book and movie are the same, and how they differ.

Montag, 2. Dezember

Tag 61

1a. Sehen Sie das Kapitel 11 - Teil 2 Video. Klicken Sie hier!

1b. When you're ready, click here to take the online Kapitel 11 - Teil 2 "pre-quiz" and use the "Submit" button to submit your score to your instructor. You need to get a score of 80% or higher in order to get a "check."  Click here for more info and troubleshooting advice about this assignment

  • You actually see 20 questions out of an item bank of 30 for this particular exercise. To see all 30 items, click here. Note that this version of the exercise is not "submittable"; it's just available for additional practice.

2. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 11" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: T:11-30, T:11-35, S:11-2G, S:11-2H

Dienstag, 3. Dezember

Tag 62

1a. Absprungtext Mini-Quiz (In order to get credit for this assignment, you need to complete it before the beginning of the next class!): Do iLrn T:11-22, T:11-23, T:11-25, T:11-27, T:11-29, and S:11-1N as follows:

  • First, read this timeline of postwar German history in English. This will help you a lot with the rest of this assignment!
  • Next, do T:11-22 and T:11-23. Hopefully, you will already know the answers to most of these questions, and be able to guess the rest via a process of elimination. If not, look up unknown vocabulary and look up events/people you're not familiar with on wikipedia as needed!
  • Now scan the text, "Die Geschichte Berlins" (V Seite 446-7) for the answers to T:11-25
  • Next, look up the words in bold print in T:11-26 (but DON'T do the activity)
  • Next, read the text thoroughly in order to do S:11-1N and T:11-27.
  • Finally, do T:11-29 (extrapolating some info about the Passive based on the text. Note that for question 2, none of the subjects in the examples are actually people, but they still want you to choose "a person or a thing" because in fact the subject of a Passive sentence can indeed be a person or a thing)
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1O [Fill in the blanks in statements from/about the Absprungtext: good practice for learning this vocabulary and for understanding the text better]
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1R [crossword puzzle: good vocab practice, though it's an odd format for some of this very serious subject matter. Click here for some more info about how the iLrn crosswords work], S:11-3B (vocab practice)

2. FOR FUN: Watch the "Kapitel 11 Videos zum Spaß."

Mittwoch, 4. Dezember

Tag 63


1. Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 11" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do: S:11-1A ***as follows***: This is the only longer listening text we are assigning for this chapter. Please listen to the text two or three times and NOTE EVERYTHING YOU UNDERSTAND IN THE ANSWER WINDOW AS YOU LISTEN. Ignore the instructions in the activity, which only asks you to write down the names of the places that are mentioned in the passage. [Anna and her cousin Katja are visiting Leipzig. This listening text is great practice for the kind of language you will hear and use when you're a tourist!]

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-2D [This is a very interesting text about life in the former DDR, using lots of vocabulary and structures we've learned in German 101 & 102. It will be hard to understand just by listening to it ==> please click here for a transcript of the text with extensive annotations (more annotations than you should need, to make sure it will be easy for you to follow along!)]
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-2B (This is a long, difficult, but very informative text on the history of Germany. If you want to try it, email Hartmut: then he can send you an annotated transcript of the text in order to help you follow along), S:11-2E (For number 10, remember that the verb "möchten" is technically a subjunctive form, even though we don't usually think of it that way), S:11-2F [Subjunctive practice. Each item consists of a statement followed by a question. The question always assumes that the activity mentioned in the statement really happened. In order to decide if the dialogue is logical, you need to listen for whether the initial statement is in the indicative (in which case it really happened and so the question makes sense) or in the subjunctive (in which case it did not happen and so the question doesn't make sense)]

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember

Tag 64


1. Kapitel 11 iLrn assignments must be completed by the beginning of the next class! ==> Go to iLrn, click on the "Assignment Calendar" tab, choose "Kapitel 11" from the "Section" pulldown menu, and do all remaining assigned exercises. (Click here for general info on iLrn assignments)

  • If you've been following the recommended schedule, all you have left to do is: T:11-32, S:11-1Q
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1S [Great Passive practice]
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Click on the "Video Library" tab, ignore the first video, and watch the short interviews: Was halten Sie von der Wiedervereinigung? and Gibt es noch große Unterschiede zwischen Ost und West?
  • ALSO RECOMMENDED (i.e. NOT required!): S:11-1P [Present tense Passive practice], S:11-1T [challenging reading practice]

2. Start reviewing for the final exam! For example, you could get an early start on the review sheet (see the Tag 51 assignment!), or you could click here to review all of the video lectures from German 102, and perhaps also some of the German 101 video lectures.

Freitag, 6. Dezember

Tag 65


1. Lernen Sie für den Test: Endexamen Wiederholungsblatt. In case you did not get the review sheet in class, click here to download it. Please email Hartmut if this review sheet (or link) is not up-to-date!

  • Please show your instructor your completed Wiederholungsblatt in class. If you've attempted most of the sections, you will get a "check"; if you've done everything and drafted the essay, you will get a "check plus."
  • Here is the direct link to the online exercise mentioned in Section R of the review sheet as the model you should practice for that section.

Montag, 9. Dezember

Tag 66


1. Keine Hausaufgabe Lernen Sie für das Endexamen! IDEEN:

2. OPTIONAL: Lesen Sie auf dem Web über Konjunktiv II, über Active vs Passive Voice und über das Passiv. You need not "submit" the diagnostic exercises electronically, but of course we encourage you to try them, as well as the practice exercises.

Dienstag, 10. Dezember

Tag 67


Keine Hausaufgabe

Mittwoch, 11. Dezember

Tag 68


1. Lernen Sie für das Endexamen

2. Sprechen und lesen Sie in den Ferien Deutsch! 
Gehen Sie in einen Park, entspannen Sie sich, und sehen Sie sich die Pflanzen und Tiere an.
Sehen Sie einen Film, weil er ein Klassiker ist.
Lesen Sie ein Buch, weil es ein Klassiker ist.
Schreiben Sie einen Brief mit der Hand.
Fragen Sie einen alten Menschen über die alten Zeiten.

Frohe Ferien!!